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Sunday, May 28, 2017



II.Mehmet 29 Mart 1432'de Edirne'de doğdu.  Sultan II. Murad'ın oğludur.  Annesi Hüma Hatun'dur.  Uzun boylu, güçlü ve kaslı bir adamdı.

 II. Mehmet bir devlet adamı ve askeri bir liderdi.  Edebiyat, güzel sanatlar ve anıtsal mimari ile de ilgilendi.  Ünlü bilgin Akşemseddin'den eğitim aldı.  Mehmet yedi dili akıcı bir şekilde konuşuyordu.  Osmanlı hükümdarına bir başka değerli övgü, onun Gentile Bellini'nin ünlü portresidir.  Felsefe ve bilimle de ilgilendi.  Ünlü astronom Ali Kuşçu'yu İstanbul'daki rasathaneye davet etti.

 Mehmed, 20. yılında tahta çıktı. 29 Mayıs 1453'te İstanbul'un fethinden sonra “fatih” (fatih) adını aldı.

 İstanbul'un fethi, Bizans İmparatorluğu'nun sonunu getirdi ve Mehmet ve onun ardıllarının akıllı ve hoşgörülü yönetimleri altında bir kentsel canlanma aşamasına girdi.  İstanbul'un ele geçirilmesini, doğrudan Osmanlı yönetiminin muazzam bir şekilde genişlemesiyle sonuçlanan uzun bir dizi sefer izledi.  II. Mehmet'e düşen bu bölgeler arasında Sırbistan, Yunanistan, Trezibizond İmparatorluğu, Wallachia, Bosna, Karaman, Arnavutluk ve birkaç Venedik ve Ceneviz denizcilik kuruluşu vardı.

 Osmanlı İmparatorluğu'nu 30 yıl yönetti ve 25 sefere bizzat katıldı.  Çok katı bir devlet adamı ve çok cesur bir askerdi.  Savaşlarda ordusunun önünde yer aldı ve askerlerini cesaretlendirdi.

 İmparator 3 Mayıs 1481'de öldü. İstanbul'da Fatih Camii yakınlarındaki “Fatih Türbesi”ne defnedildi.

Mehmet II was born on 29th March 1432, in Edirne. He was the son of Sultan Murad II. His mother was Huma Hatun. He was a tall, strong and muscular man.

Mehmet II was a statesman and a military leader. He was also interested in literature, fine arts and monumental architecture. He was educated by famous scholar Aksemseddin. Mehmet was speaking seven languages fluently. Another worthy tribute to the Ottoman ruler is the famous portrait of him by Gentile Bellini. He also interested in philosophy and science. He invited Ali Kuscu the famous astronomer to the observatory in Istanbul.

Mehmet II was ascended the throne in his 20th year.He took the name “conqueror” (fatih) after the conquest of Istanbul on 29th May 1453.

The conquest of Istanbul spelled the end of the Byzantine Empire and entered a phase of urban revival under the wise and tolerant administrations of Mehmet and his immediate successors. The capture of Istanbul was followed by a long succession of campaigns which resulted in a tremendous extension of direct Ottoman rule. Among those areas that fell to Mehmet II were Serbia, Greece, the Empire of Trezibizond, Wallachia, Bosnia, Karaman, Albania and several Venetian and Geneose maritime establishments.

He ruled the Ottoman Empire for 30 years and joined 25 campaigns himself. He was a very strict statesman and a very brave soldier. He took place in front of his army in the wars and he encouraged his soldiers.

The emperor had died on 3rd May 1481. He was buried in “Fatih Turbesi” (tomb), near the Mosque of Fatih in Istanbul.

Tuesday, May 16, 2017

Cristiano Ronaldo dos Santos Kimdir Hayatı İngilizce

Cristiano Ronaldo dos Santos Kimdir Hayatı İngilizce

Cristiano Ronaldo dos Santos Aveiro was born in 1985. He is widely regarded as one of the best players in the world. The legendary Dutch genius Johan Cruyff said he’s one of the best ever. Ronaldo became a soccer superstar playing for English team Manchester United Spain’s Real Madrid and for Portugal. He plays in midfield from where he regularly scores spectacular goals.

Ronaldo started kicking a ball around when he was three. His skill was obvious then and by ten years old two of Portugal’s top clubs wanted to sign him. He joined Sporting Lisbon and became the only player in their history to play for the Under-16 Under-17 Under-18 B team and first-team within one season. His skills soon attracted Europe’s big teams.

Manchester United decided Ronaldo was the perfect replacement for David Beckham and signed him in 2003. He set the English Premier League alight in his time there with his silky skills and helped the team win nine trophies including the UEFA Champions League. He also picked up the FIFA World Player of the Year award in 2008.

In 2009 Ronaldo joined his boyhood heroes Real Madrid and became the most expensive footballer in history. His transfer fee was over $131 million. He broke Real’s scoring record in his second season with 53 goals in all competitions. He bettered that in 2011-12 netting 60 times to help Real win Spain’s La Liga. In 2012 Diego Maradona said Ronaldo was “the best player on the planet.”

Wednesday, May 10, 2017

Manti – Turkish Meat Ravioli Recipe

Manti – Turkish Meat Ravioli Recipe
Flavors of Turkey Total time: 30 to 60 minutes Preparation time: 30 minutes
Regional variations
This recipe is known under the same name in the various regions of Anatoly. Originally from Central Asia ravioli are considered a main dish and not a first course. They can be served with their cooking liquid or drained and served with a sauce. Here nothing is wasted: if the cooking water isn’t used it’s saved and serves as the base for a soup.
In the Bolu region yogurt and tomato sauce are replaced by a mixture of dried cheese and chopped walnuts. Half a teacup full of “kes” or dried cheese is combined with 2 teacups of chopped walnuts. The mixture is served on drained ravioli and everything is drizzled with melted butter. The ravioli are then eaten with dried fruit paste or pickled vegetables.
In other regions tomato sauce is replaced with a mixture of melted butter seasoned with paprika that has been heated briefly in the skillet.
Manti is a meal in itself and serves as a typical Sunday lunch – requiring a siesta afterwards!
The ravioli are often made one at a time by hand. This is a quicker version.
- 550 g (20 oz.) or 5 glassfuls of flour – 3 tsp. salt – 2 eggs – 10 2/3 glassfuls of water – 2 small onions – 20 g (2/3 oz.) or 1/3 bunch parsley – 250 g (9 oz.) ground meat – 1 large tomato – 6 tbsp. butter or margarine – 1/2 tsp. paprika – 1/2 tsp. pepper – 6 cloves of garlic – 660 g (22 oz.) yogurt
1. Sift the flour into a large bowl setting aside 1/3 cup. 2. To the rest add 1 tsp. salt. Mix well and make a well in the center. Place the eggs in the well. 3. Make a firm dough gradually adding 2/3 cup water. Continue kneading for 7-8 minutes then divide the dough in half and let rest for 10 minutes covered with a damp cloth. 4. Meanwhile combine the finely chopped onion meat parsley 1/2 tsp. salt and pepper in a bowl. 5. Sprinkle your work surface with flour. Roll out the first piece of dough to a 1 mm thickness. 6. Place 1 spoonful of filling at regular intervals on the dough. 7. Brush the dough between the filling with water. 8. Roll out the second sheet of dough slightly larger than the first and lay over the first. 9. Using your fingers seal the ravioli by pressing around each mound of filling. 10. Using a knife cut the ravioli into individual squares. 11. Bring some salted water to a boil in a large pot; add the ravioli and cook for 15-20 minutes until they rise to the surface.
Sauce and serving
1. Meanwhile wash and chop the tomato; sauté for a few minutes in the butter; add the paprika; 2. Peel the garlic and crush in a mortar; add the yogurt and mix well to make a smooth sauce. 3. Just before serving place the ravioli in a serving platter. Pour on the garlic-yogurt sauce and garnish with the tomato sauce.



Ladybugs (also called lady birds or lady beetles) are small, oval-shaped winged insects. This bright red spots on the covers of insects, often with black spots or black with a red sash. Number of points defines the type of beetle. Ladybugs least 1/4 inch (4-8 mm) or less in length. Ladybugs age, fade spots.
There are different species of about 5000 worldwide ladybugs. A common type of two-spot ladybird (pictured above), so the two orange-red with black spots.
Ladybug, like all insects, for the life undergoes a complete metamorphosis. Beetle life stages are: egg -> larva -> pupa -> adult.
Many garden pests (including aphids and mealy bugs) eat smaller prey because they (family Coccinellidae) are useful in gardens. Birds of prey beetle is the most important.
When not flying wings, a pair of modified wings (called elytra) are covered by. When flying, open the elytra. Like all insects, ladybugs have: six jointed legs (black), two antennas (black) and chitin (a material similar to our hair and nails), an exoskeleton made​​. Their head of a three-part body (mouth, eyes and antennas), chest (where you add the legs and wings), and abdomen (including reproductive and digestive organs of the) occurs.

Monday, May 8, 2017

How to Play Dominoes

How to Play Dominoes
A domino is a small tile that represents the roll of two dice. The tile, commonly called a bone, is rectangular with a line down the center. Each end of the tile contains a number. In the most popular domino set, the double-six, the numbers vary from 0 (or blank) to 6. This produces 28 unique tiles, as shown in the diagram on the right.
A common domino size is about 2 inches long, 1 inch wide, and 3/8 inch thick – small enough to be held comfortably in the hand, but large enough to be easily manipulated, and thick enough to be able to be stood on edge.
Dominoes are referred to by the number of dots (or pips) on each end, with the lower number usually listed first. Thus, a tile with a 2 on one end and a 5 on the other is referred to as a “2-5″. A tile with the same number on both ends is called a “double” (or doublet), so a “6-6″ is referred to as “double-six”. A double-six is the “heaviest” domino; a double-blank is the “lightest” domino value.
Tiles which have ends with the same number of dots are members of the same “suit”. In a double-six set, there are seven suits (blank, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6), each with seven members (0-5, 1-5, 2-5, 3-5, 4-5, 5-5, & 5-6) make up the “fives” suit, for instance. Except for the doubles, each tile belongs to two suits.
In addition to the standard double-six domino set, larger-sized sets are also available. Popular sizes include the doub

Maymunun Almanca Tanıtımı Hayatı

Schimpanse Pan troglodytes
Diese Menschenaffen sind unsere nächsten Verwandten im Tierreich. Sie gelten als die intelligentesten Tiere und faszinieren uns so sehr, weil ihr Verhalten dem unseren so ähnlich ist.
Schimpansen sind eine Gattung in der Familie der Menschenaffen, ebenso wie Gorillas, Orang-Utans und der Mensch.Sie haben den typischen Körperbau der Menschenaffen: Der Rumpf ist 70 bis 94 Zentimeter lang. Auf den Hinterbeine aufgerichtet sind sie 100 bis 170 Zentimeter groß. Die Weibchen sind deutlich kleiner als die Männchen und werden nur bis zu 130 Zentimeter groß.
Auch das Gewicht von Männchen und Weibchen unterscheidet sich: Männchen wiegen zwischen 35 und 70 Kilogramm, Weibchen bringen dagegen nur 25 bis 50 Kilogramm auf die Waage. Wie alle Menschenaffen besitzen Schimpansen keinen Schwanz.
Typisch für Schimpansen sind die Arme, die deutlich länger sind als die Beine.
An Händen und Füßen besitzen sie je fünf Finger beziehungsweise Zehen.Daumen bzw. großer Zeh können die Tiere den anderen Fingern bzw. Zehen gegenüberstellen, sodass Hände und Füße sich perfekt zum Greifen eignen und die Tiere zu wahren Kletterprofis machen. Das Fell der Schimpansen ist dunkelbraun bis schwarz.
Das Gesicht ist unbehaart und bei Jungtieren hell, bei erwachsenen Tieren dunkel. Auch Handflächen, Fußsohlen, die Oberseite von Fingern und Zehen und die Region um den After sind unbehaart. Die hervorstehende Schnauze und die Wülste über den Augen geben den Tieren ihr charakteristisches Aussehen.
Schimpansen haben ein kräftiges Gebiss – vor allem die Eckzähne der Männchen sind beeindruckend und können gefährliche Waffen sein.

Schimpansen kommen nur im westlichen und zentralen Afrika vor. Dort findet man sie Senegal, in Nigeria, in Norden und Osten der Demokratischen Republik Kongo sowie in Uganda und Tansania. Den nah verwandten Bonobo findet man dagegen nur in einigen Regionen der Demokratischen Republik Kongo.
Schimpansen leben, anders als Gorillas und Orang-Utans, in sehr unterschiedlichen Lebensräumen: Sie besiedeln den Regenwald, aber auch die Savanne, in der nur wenige Bäume wachsen.
Die Bonobos sind dagegen nur in Regenwäldern zu finden.

Rassen und Arten
Forscher teilen Schimpansen in vier Unterarten auf, die in unterschiedlichen Regionen Afrikas zu finden sind.
Außerdem gehört zur Gattung der Schimpansen noch der Bonobo (Pan paniscus), der zierlicher als der gewöhnliche Schimpanse ist.
n freier Wildbahn werden Schimpansen 30 bis 40 Jahre alt. In Gefangenschaft können sie bis zu 50 Jahre lang leben.

Doktor Mesleğinin İngilizce Tanıtımı

Doctor (Doktor):
Being a doctor comes with a lot of responsibility. A doctor’s patients rely on their physician for the best medical help possible!
There are lots of different kinds of doctors. General Practitioners, Family Doctors, and Pediatricians (doctors just-for-kids) are the types most people see on a regular basis for things like the flu, a fever, a check-up or physical, a vaccination, and other common needs. Other doctors specialize in specific health fields or particular body systems. Some examples of specialists include cardiologists (heart and blood), dermatologists (skin), allergists and immunologists (allergic reactions and immune system), neurologists (brain and nervous system), and internists (internal organs). There are also surgeons, whose specialty is performing operations!
Not all doctors do the same thing every day. Some doctors work in an office, others in the hospital, and some in places you might not think of, like laboratories where they develop new medicines and research cures! Doctors see patients, run and interpret tests, prescribe medicines or treatments, talk to patients about how to stay healthy, respond to emergencies, and regularly read books and medical journals or take classes to keep their knowledge up-to-date! Most doctors work very long hours and have to be available for emergencies.

Avukat Mesleğinin, Türkçe İngilizce Tanıtımı

Lawyer (Avukat):
A lawyer is a person who has studied the law and is an expert in the way their country’s rules and government work. A lawyer’s job is to give people advice about the law and how it works, since the law can be very complicated!
Many lawyers spend their time meeting with clients, preparing legal documents (like wills, contracts, and leases), and attending trials. At a trial, the lawyer represents his or her client and either defends the client against charges, or prosecutes (brings charges against) the accused. More than anything else, lawyers usually spend a lot of their time doing research! Because the law is constantly changing, lawyers must spend time staying up-to-date on information to give their clients the best advice possible!
Avukat (Avukat):
Bir avukat, hukuk okumuş ve ülkesinin kuralları ile hükümetin çalışma biçiminde uzman olan kişidir. Bir avukatın işi, kanun çok karmaşık olabileceğinden, insanlara kanun ve kanunun nasıl işlediği hakkında tavsiye vermektir!
Birçok avukat, zamanlarını müvekkilleriyle toplantılar yaparak, yasal belgeler (vasiyetname, sözleşmeler ve kira kontratları gibi) hazırlayarak ve duruşmalara katılarak geçirir. Bir duruşmada, avukat müvekkilini temsil eder ve müvekkilini suçlamalara karşı savunur veya sanığı kovuşturur (aleyhine suçlamalar getirir). Her şeyden çok, avukatlar genellikle zamanlarının çoğunu araştırma yaparak geçirirler! Yasa sürekli değiştiğinden, avukatlar müvekkillerine mümkün olan en iyi tavsiyeyi vermek için bilgileri güncel tutmak için zaman harcamalıdır!

Hemşire Mesleğinin İngilizce Tanıtımı

Hemşire Mesleğinin İngilizce Tanıtımı
Nurse (Hemşire):
Nurses do a huge range of important things that help keep people healthy, make them better when they’re sick, and support patients and their families!
Nurses work in lots of different places like hospitals, doctor’s offices, clinics, people’s homes, schools, camps, and more! Depending on where he or she works and the level of training they’ve had, a nurse can do a big variety of different things. Some nurses take temperatures, give shots, administer medicines, and check patients’ blood pressure and pulse. Other nurses might prescribe medications, order tests, and help diagnose a patient’s problem. There are nurses who assist doctors during surgery, and nurses who help deliver babies!
Lots of nurses work closely with patients and families, helping them, supporting them, and educating them about things they need to know take care of their illnesses and stay healthy and happy!

Sunday, May 7, 2017



Bottlenose dolphins are most common and well known dolphins which inhabits warm and temperate seas. They are grey, varying from dark grey at the top near the dorsal fin to very light grey and almost white or maybe even a pinkish colour at the underside. The elongated upper and lower jaws form the rostrum, which gives the animal the name bottlenose. The real nose, however, is the blowhole on top of its head, and the nasal septum is visible when the blowhole is open. After every 5 to 8 minutes, they needs to rise to the surface to breathe through its blowhole, though it generally breathes more frequently – up to several times per minute. Adults Dolphin range in length from 2 to 4 metres (6 to 13 ft) and in weight from 150 to 650 kilograms (330 to 1430 lb), however, in most parts of the world, the adult’s length is about 2.5 m (8 ft) and adult weight ranges from 200 to 300 kg (440 to 660 lb), with males being slightly longer and considerably heavier than females, on average. The size of the dolphin appears to vary considerably with habitat. They eat small fishes and other smaller animals.

Facts about Bottlenose Dolphins

Bottlenose dolphins send messages to one another in different ways. They squeak and whistle and use body language-leaping as high as 20 feet (6 meters) in the air, snapping their jaws, slapping their tails on the surface of the water, and even butting heads.
Nasal sacs inside the dolphin’s head are what make it possible for the dolphins to vocalize. Blowholes located in their heads open and close, allowing the dolphins to breathe. (Being mammals, dolphins have to come to the water’s surface to breathe, just like you.)
Each individual dolphin seems to have its own “signature whistle,” but the sounds we can’t hear may be the most important.
Dolphins also produce high frequency clicks, which act as a sonar system called echolocation (ek-oh-low-KAY-shun). When the clicking sounds hit an object in the water, like a fish or rock, they bounce off and come back to the dolphin as echoes. Echolocation tells the dolphins the shape, size, speed, distance, and location of the object.
Bottlenose dolphins also have a sharp sense of hearing. Scientists believe that the sounds travel through the dolphin’s lower jaw to its inner ear and then are transmitted to the brain for analysis.
Dolphins can reach 60 km/h (37 mph).

Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea


An eccentric French scientist, his friend and a jovial Canadian sailor are accidentally taken captive by Captain Nemo, a mad scientist in his amazing surmarine, the Nautilus. Placed under arrest by Nemo, the three companions learn to enjoy their new home, and with Nemo they explore the seven seas, travelling to barbarian lands, the lost city of Atlantis, and even fight an enormous squid-like monster. ” Daniel, Resident Scholar “Mysterious things are happening in the sea. Ships are being sent out; however, they are sunk by someone… or maybe something… Monsieur Arronax, a scientist is invited, along with his trusty servant Conseil, on a ship known as the Abraham Lincoln, to seek out the cause of the recent ship wrecks. After a few months out into open water, they are attacked, by something that looks like a monster. After a long chase in the water, an event throws the worthy scientist off the ship, along with Conseil, and a Canadian fisherman, Ned Land. Eventually they get close to the so called monster, which eventually turns out to be a modern, as well as highly technological submarine, titled the Nautilus. Captain Nemo, commander of the Sub, allows the trio to stay on the ship, however, they are not permitted to leave. Now begins an extraordinary voyage under the sea, as Arronax, who is guided by Captain Nemo discovers the fascinating wonders of the sea. Arronax, as well as Conseil, is fascinated by what he sees around himself. But the Canadian fisherman is losing his patience by the day. Despite the amazing specimens, scientific facts, not to be found in nearly a hundred years by man, fantastic locales and the captain’s generosity, Ned still wants to escape. Arronax decides that if a worthy opportunity presents itself, then they will not hesitate to leave. Although he has given his word, Arronax does not wish to anger the captain, for his generosity is much too great for that matter. The submarine starts in regular waters, continues in a boiling soup, travels through Atlantis, volcanoes, giant sea monsters, and there is more where that came from. All of this is packed tight into a 300 page sci-fi thriller! ” Walid Khalid, Resident Scholar “The story basically begins with the very intelligent Professor Arronax calculating basic measurements. He’s a modern french biologist during this time period. The professor had somewhat of an understudy, an apprentice if you will, named Conseil. Conseil was just about as skilled as the professor as far as classification, and knowing so much information about just about everything. One day, the professor got a letter that invited him to go on a select trip to hunt the killer narwhal. Mysteriously, several ships had been rammed, and had a triangular shaped scar on the spot where the uncanny shipmates had decided that the narwhal hit. So Professor Arronax and Conseil went to examine the accidents. They get on the ship and meet a Canadian harpooner named Ned Land. He told them that he was the best at what he does, and that he was ready to take out the narwhal. After a while, they come across the infamous narwhal. They find it strange that the narwhal is about three times as long as the ship they’re on, and that it glows. The professor’s ship is attacked, and they are stranded in the ocean, they climb aboard the narwahal to find out that it is in actuality a submarine. They finally meet a strange man named Captain Nemo, who explains to them that it is his ship and that the professor, Conseil, and Ned Land can stay as long as they go with him on a trip around the world in his submarine, the Nautilus. They begin to go on amazing trips.” Emmanuel Hayes, Resident Scholar

Saturday, May 6, 2017

Kıvanç Tatlıtuğ İngilizce Hayatı

Kıvanç Tatlıtuğ İngilizce Hayatı

Tatlıtuğ was born on 27 October 1983, in Adana, to Erdem and Nurten Tatlıtuğ. He has four siblings. The name Kıvanç means "pride" in Turkish and Tatlıtuğ is a portmanteau of the Turkish words tatlı (sweet) and tuğ (a coat of arms of Old Turkic symbology). Tatlıtuğ's paternal grandmother was an immigrant from Bosnia and Herzegovina. His mother is from Edirne and his dad is from Adana. He has said that he was born and raised in Adana and that his family has had a bakery business in the city for more than a hundred years. He studied at Yenice Çağ Private High School where he excelled in basketball. Due his Tatlıtuğ's father's illness, the family moved to Istanbul so that his father could receive proper treatment. In Istanbul, he joined Beşiktaş and Fenerbahçe Ülker sports clubs as an amateur basketball player.


Kıvanç hosted some pageants and shows. A turning point in Tatlıtuğ's career was when he starred in Gümüş as the character Mehmet Şadoğlu. He acted in the comedy film Americans at the Black Sea which was directed by Kartal Tibet. He has also starred in other shows such as Menekşe ile Halil where he played alongside of Sedef Avcı. In the series Aşk-ı Memnu, Kıvanç shared the leading role with Beren Saat. He won the Golden Butterfly Award for Best Actor in a Leading Role for his performance in Aşk-ı Memnu. Kıvanç dated Miss World 2002 titleholder Azra Akın from 2005 to 2009 and actress Meltem Cumbul from early 2009 to August 2009. He dated İdil Fırat, the daughter of millionaire Önder Fırat; however, they broke up. Kıvanç Tatlıtuğ returned to his ex-girlfriend Azra Akın in 2011, on January 2013 they both took a decision of a final break-up after they got tired of an 11 year old on-off relationship. He provided the voice of Ken for the Turkish dubbed version of Toy Story 3. Since 2011, he has portrayed Kuzey Tekinoğlu in the Kanal D drama seriesKuzey Güney which ended in June 2013 . Tatlıtuğ played the poet Muzaffer Tayyip Uslu in the drama film Kelebeğin Rüyası.

Almanca Türkçe Renkler

Almanca Renkler Sarı - gelbKırmızı 
- rot Siyah -
 schwarz Beyaz
- weiß Mavi 
- blau Yeşil 
- grün Lacivert
- marineblau Mor 
- violett
Pembe - rosa
Turuncu - orange
Kahverengi - braun
Gri - grau

Fatih Sultan Mehmet Boğaz Köprüsü İngilizce Tanıtımı

Fatih Sultan Mehmet Boğaz Köprüsü İngilizce Tanıtımı

Fatih Sultan Mehmet Bridge Köprüsü İngilizce Tanıtımı
The Fatih Sultan Mehmet Bridge, also known as the Second Bosphorus Bridge (in Turkish: Fatih Sultan Mehmet KöprüsüF.S.M. Köprüsü or 2. Köprü), is a bridge in Istanbul, Turkey spanning the Bosphorus strait (Turkish: Boğaziçi). When completed in 1988 it had the 6th longest suspension bridge span in the world; today it is 18th.
The bridge is named after the 15th century Ottoman Sultan Mehmed the Conqueror, who took Constantinople (Istanbul) in 1453 and ended the Byzantine Empire. It carries the European route E80, Asian Highway 1 and Otoyol 2 highways.
The bridge is situated between Hisarüstü (European side) and Kavacık (Asian side). It is a gravity-anchored suspension bridge with steel pylons and vertical hangers. The aerodynamic deck is hanging on double vertical steel cables. It is 1,510 m long with a deck width of 39 m. The distance between the towers (main span) is 1,090 m and their height over road level is 105 m. The clearance of the bridge from sea level is 64 m.
The bridge was designed by Freeman Fox & Partners and BOTEK Bosphorus Technical Consulting Corp., who had previously also designed the Bosphorus Bridge. An international consortium of three Japanese companies (including IHI Corporation and Mitsubishi Heavy Industries), one Italian (Impregilo) and one Turkish company (STFA) carried out the construction works. The bridge was completed on July 3, 1988 and opened by Prime Minister Turgut Özal who drove his official car by himself as the first to pass. The cost of the bridge amounted to USD 130 million.
The bridge is on the Trans-European Motorway between Edirne and Ankara. The highway bridge has four lanes for vehicular traffic plus one emergency lane in each direction. On weekday mornings, commuter traffic flows mostly westbound to the European part, so five of the eight lanes run westbound and only three eastbound. Conversely, on weekday evenings, five lanes are dedicated to eastbound traffic and three lanes only to westbound. No pedestrians are allowed to use the bridge. Nowadays, around 150,000 vehicles are passing daily in both directions, almost 65% being automobiles.
Fatih Sultan Mehmet is a toll bridge, but payment is required from only the vehicles passing from Europe to Asia (as in the First Bosphorus Bridge, no payment is required while passing from Asia to Europe.) Since April 2008, cash payments are no longer accepted, having been replaced by a remote payment system. In addition to OGS the contactless smart card KGS system is in use.
An OGS device or KGS card can be obtained at various stations before the toll plaza of highways and bridges.

Sporun Sağlığımıza Faydaları İngilizce Makale

Sporun Sağlığımıza Faydaları İngilizce Makale:

Sports promote enhanced flexibility and coordination as well as building efficient muscle tone that protects the body from injuries, improves positive body image and increases stamina and strength. Athletes who participate in sports also pay more attention to their training and typically work out to become better at their particular sport. Trainers at Kieser Training report that building muscles improves sports performance and helps to prevent sports-related injuries while improving overall health.

Sports that involve high-impact aerobic activity such as soccer, basketball and baseball, as well as any activity that requires running, helps children to develop healthy bones. For older adults, impact sports that also include tennis, hiking and volleyball can help prevent osteoporosis and reduce the risk of hip fractures.
As physical self-image improves, so do feelings of well being, making sports a positive influence on reducing the incidence of depression in those who play. Unlike individual exercise done in isolation, sports also provide a social component that increases interpersonal relationships and reduces depression. Additionally, sports promote teamwork and teach youngsters how to be a part of a team. Sportsmanship qualities learned through sports can help to produce mentally healthy adults,

Aslan Burcunun Özellikleri İngilizce

Aslan Burcunun Özellikleri İngilizce

July 24 – August 23

Aslan Burcunun Özellikleri İngilizce
General characteristics of Leo
Leo is the fifth sign of the zodiac.
Leo is a fixed masculine sign belonging to the fire element. It is ruled by the Sun and its symbol is the Lion. Leo’s birth dates back to antiquity although it was born before Aries, Taurus and Sagittarius. In Mesopotamia, the fire symbolized the culmination of solar warming in the northern hemisphere. In Egypt, it represented the sun and the monarchy. The Israelites assimilated it with Judah. The Judeo-Christian tradition relates it to the evangelist St. Mark.
Leo‘s are creative and outgoing and it is the most dominant sign of the zodiac. Leos are very active, they like to feel that they are alive, they are energetic but elegant, they are striking, charismatic, powerful and have a captivating smile, the look in their eyes may be very direct and can be arrogant and their majestic way of walking is unlike any from other signs of the zodiac. In general they tend to be good people, who are idealistic and intelligent but that can also be arrogant and intolerant.
In their place of employment they are idealists and intelligent; they are successful in positions of authority, for instance, as company managers. They may be good musicians, politicians and athletes.
In love thanks to their charisma and great charm, Leo can be very attractive.
In their personal relationships Leo is open, trusting, generous, passionate and sincere. Leos like sexual relations and tend to have multiple partners during their lifetime. While love lasts, they are honest with their partner that they love very much. They like the home but on some occasions they tend to be unfaithful.
Element: Fire
Ruling planet: Sun
Gemstones: Ruby and diamond
Colors: Orange and golden
Most compatible signs: Aries, Sagittarius, Gemini and Libra

Fareli Köyün Kavalcısı İngilizce Kısa Masal

Fareli Köyün Kavalcısı İngilizce Kısa Masal

The Pied Piper Tale summary
The town of Hamlyn was once full of rats. They ate all the food, troubled sleeping babies, and made a lot of noise. The people had grown tired of the rats but were unable to do anything. Even the cats were not able to kill the rats.
One day, a queer fellow with piercing eyes, came to town. He was called the Pied Piper. He went to the Mayor and asked him, “What will you pay me if I free your town of every single rat?” The mayor offered fifty pounds to the Pied Piper.
Happy with the offer, the Pied Piper started playing his pipe. Hearing the shrill, keen note, every rat came out from its hole and started following him. The Pied Piper kept on playing his pipe and the rats followed hirn. The piper walked up to the harbour with millions of rats behind him and led them into the water and waited till every rat had drowned.
Now the town was free of the little devils and the people were very happy.
After all the rats were dead, the Pied Piper returned and asked the Mayor for his money. The Mayor said that he could only give him twenty pounds for such an easy job. Now that the rats were dead, the Mayor thought that there was nothing to worry about. But the Pied Piper wanted to teach him a lesson. This time he played a different tune. Hearing his music, the children came out of their houses. They started following the piper, dancing and shouting. The elders watched in disbelief as the Pied Piper led the children far, far away. The Mayor sent his men to look for the piper and bring the children back but none could find the lost children.

Balık Burcunun Özellikleri İngilizce

Balık Burcunun Özellikleri İngilizce

PiscesPisces is the twelfth sign of the zodiac.
Several myths mention the origin of this sign: in Mesopotamia it was known as Kun (tails) and the leash that tied the two fish goddesses together. The astronomer Eratosthenes ascribed this constellation to Derceto the Syrian goddess, who was half woman and half fish. The Pisces possess strong spiritual aspiration and a profound interior conviction. It is a very easily mutable sign. Its capability is not at a collective level and that makes the sign, the most abstract one out of the entire zodiac.
The Pisces personality is one of the most complex and difficult ones to define. It’s in their nature to be extremely sensitive, receptive and emotional. They have a peaceful personality; they are imaginative, sensitive, patient, kind, intuitive, compassionate for others and are always willing to help. It does not assume reality but are idealists and their will is weak. They let others lead them. They do not like to be criticized or to listen to people that think they are too good.
In the place of employment they are not very good managers but they are excellent secretaries or administrative workers. They can also be excellent lawyers, architects, travel agents, artists, painters and investigators.
In matters of love, Pisces fall in love and give their heart in a pure and sincere way; they also place their heart in the hands of their partner. Pisces tend to give more than what they receive and they are loyal persons that look for a union of mind and spirit with their significant other and more than anything a sexual union. They like their home and family. They do not care if they are dominated or if they let their partner control the relationship and that is show they become people that are easy to manipulate.
Element: Water
Ruling planet: Neptune
Gemstones: Moonstone, sapphire and aquamarine
Colors: Green, blue and violet
Most compatible signs: Cancer, Scorpio, Capricorn and Taurus

Koç Burcunun Özellikleri İngilizce

Koç Burcunun Özellikleri İngilizce

Aries Characteristics:

Symbol: The Ram
Element: Fire
Group: Emotional
Polarity: Positive
Favorable Colors: Red
Chinese Counterpart: Dragon

Ruling Planet: Mars
Cross/Quality: Cardinal
House Ruled: First
Opposite Sign: Libra
Lucky Gem: Diamond
Period: Mar 21 – Apr 19

Aries Personality:

As the first sign of the zodiac, the presence of an Aries almost always indicates the beginning of something energetic and boisterous. Not much holds this sign back. They’re eager, dynamic, quick, and competitive. When it comes to getting the ball rolling, an Aries is the best. Pioneering everything from work-related projects to parties with friends, these folks go for the gusto.

Courage, determination, self-confidence, enthusiasm.

Impatience, silly arguments, allowing fear to limit choices.

Charismatic marks:
Athletic body, youthful attitude, a need to take the lead.

Comfortable clothes, taking the lead, physical challenges, individual sports.

Inactivity, delays, work that doesn’t use one’s talents.

Best environment: Any situation that requires action, courage in the face of fear, competition, and freedom of choice. Aries individuals are better outside being active than staying close to home

Çarlinin Çharlie Çikolata Fabrikası İngilizce Kitap Özeti

Çarlinin Çikolata Fabrikası İngilizce Kitap Özeti

Charlie and the Chocolate Factory Mr. Willy Wonka, the eccentric owner of the greatest chocolate factory in the world, has decided to open the doors of his factory to five lucky children and their parents. In order to choose who will enter the factory, Mr. Wonka devises a plan to hide five golden tickets beneath the wrappers of his famous chocolate bars. The search for the five golden tickets is fast and furious. Augustus Gloop, a corpulent child whose only hobby is eating, unwraps the first ticket, for which his town throws him a parade. Veruca Salt, an insufferable brat, receives the next ticket from her father, who had employed his entire factory of peanut shellers to unwrap chocolate bars until they found a ticket. Violet Beauregarde discovers the third ticket while taking a break from setting a world record in gum chewing. The fourth ticket goes to Mike Teavee, who, as his name implies, cares only about television.
Charlie Bucket, the unsuspecting hero of the book, defies all odds in claiming the fifth and final ticket. A poor but virtuous boy, Charlie lives in a tiny house with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bucket, and all four of his grandparents. His grandparents share the only bed in the house, located in the only bedroom, and Charlie and his parents sleep on mattresses on the floor. Charlie gets three sparse meals a day, which is hardly enough to nourish a growing boy, As a result, he is almost sickly thin. Once a year, on his birthday, Charlie gets one bar of Wonka chocolate, which he savors over many months. The Bucket family’s circumstances become all the more dire when Mr. Bucket loses his job. But a tremendous stroke of luck befalls Charlie when he spots a raggedy dollar bill buried in the snow. He decides to use a little of the money to buy himself some chocolate before turning the rest over to his mother. After inhaling the first bar of chocolate, Charlie decides to buy just one more and within the wrapping finds the fifth golden ticket. He is not a moment too soon: the next day is the date Mr. Wonka has set for his guests to enter the factory.
Neither Mr. nor Mrs. Bucket can accompany Charlie to the factory. Mr. Bucket must search for work to put food on the table and Mrs. Bucket must care for the invalided grandparents. Magically, Charlie’s oldest and most beloved grandparent, Grandpa Joe, springs out of bed for the first time in decades. Charlie’s lucky find has transformed him into an energetic and almost childlike being. Grandpa Joe and Charlie set out on their adventure.
In the factory, Charlie and Grandpa Joe marvel at the unbelievable sights, sounds, and especially smells of the factory. Whereas they are grateful toward and respectful of Mr. Wonka and his factory, the other four children succumb to their own character flaws. Accordingly, they are ejected from the factory in mysterious and painful fashions. Augustus Gloop falls into the hot chocolate river—while attempting to drink it—and is sucked up by one of the many pipes. Veruca Salt is determined to be a “bad nut” by nut-judging squirrels who throw her out with the trash. Violet Beauregarde impetuously grabs an experimental piece of gum and chews herself into a giant blueberry. She is consequently removed from the factory. With the hope of being on his beloved television, Mike Teavee shrinks himself, and his father has to carry him out in his breast pocket. During each child’s fiasco, Mr. Wonka alienates the parents with his nonchalant reaction to the child’s seeming demise. He remains steadfast in his belief that everything will work out in the end.
After each child’s trial, the Oompa-Loompas beat drums and sing a moralizing song about the downfalls of greedy, spoiled children. When only Charlie remains, Willy Wonka turns to him and congratulates him for winning. The entire day has been another contest, the prize for which is the entire chocolate factory, which Charlie has just won. Charlie, Grandpa Joe, and Mr. Wonka enter the great glass elevator, which explodes through the roof of the factory and crashes down through the roof of Charlie’s house, where they collect the rest of the Bucket family.
writing: Roald Dahl

Alaaddin'in Sihirli Lambası Masalı İngilizce Özeti

Alaaddin Sihirli Lambası İngilizce Özeti

Aladdin Magic Lamp Short Story Sihirli Lambası
Once there lived a poor widow and her son, Aladdin. One day, Aladdin’s uncle, Mustafa, came to visit them. He said, “Sister, why don’t you let Aladdin come and work for me?” They agreed and Mustafa took Aladdin along with him. They walked in the desert and came to a cave. The cave was full of riches and treasures but Mustafa was afraid to go inside. He wanted Aladdin to go in and get him the treasures instead. “Go inside,” commanded Mustafa, “and find me the jewels. You will also find a lamp. Bring it to me.”
Aladdin went inside and found more riches than he could ever imagine. He found a beautiful ring and wore it on his finger. He also collected as many gems as he could, but before he could come out of the cave, Mustafa said, “Quick! Just hand me all, the jewels and the lamp!” Aladdin refused. Angry at the refusal, his cruel uncle blocked the entrance of the cave and left.
Aladdin sat in the dark and cried. Then he saw the old lamp and decided to light it. While cleaning it, he rubbed the lamp and out came a genie! “Master, I shall grant you three wishes,” he said. Aladdin said, “Take me home!” In seconds, Aladdin was with his mother, counting the gems he had brought from the cave. Aladdin also brought the ring along with him and when he rubbed it, out came another genie! “Master, I shall grant you three wishes!” said the genie. “Make us rich and happy!” said Aladdin. And Aladdin and his mother lived happily.

One day, Aladdin saw the sultan’s daughter and fell in love with her. He went to the palace with gems and asked for her hand in marriage. The king agreed to this. After marriage, Aladdin showered the princess with all the riches and gave her a huge palace to live in. When the sultan died, Aladdin ruled the kingdom. He was just and kind hearted and everybody was happy under his rule.
Meanwhile, Mustafa came to know how Aladdin found the magic lamp and became rich. He wanted to take the lamp back. So, one day, when Aladdin was away, Mustafa came to the palace dressed as a trader. He cried out, “Get new lamps for old ones! New lamps for old!” Hearing this, the princess took out the magic lamp and gave it to him. She did not know that the old lamp was indeed magical. She bought a shiny new lamp instead. Mustafa gladly took the lamp and went away. He then commanded the genie, “Send Aladdin’s entire palace into the deserts in Africa!” And saying this, Mustafa, along with the princess in the palace, were sent to Africa. Aladdin, on coming back, found his wife and house missing. He searched for the palace for three long days. Finally, he rubbed his magic ring and asked the genie, “Please take me to my princess!” The genie agreed. When he met his wife, Aladdin and the princess decided to trick Mustafa.
One night, the princess said to Mustafa, “I don’t think Aladdin will ever find me here! I might as well live as your slave for I am certain he is dead now!” Mustafa was very happy and ordered for a feast. During the feast, the princess got Mustafa drunk and he fell into a deep sleep.
In the meantime, the princess took the magic lamp to Aladdin. Together, they asked the genie of the lamp to take the entire palace back to Aladdin’s kingdom. The genie then killed Mustafa and Aladdin and the princess lived happily ever after.

Bursa'nın İngilizce Tanıtımı

Bursa'nın İngilizce Tanıtımı

Bursa City History Bursanın İngilizce Tanıtımı
Known as “Green Bursa”, this province stands on the lower slopes of Uludag (Mount Olympos of Mysia, 2543 m) in the Marmara region of Anatolia. The title “Green” of Bursa comes from its gardens and parks, and of course from its being in the middle of an important fruit growing region. In Bursa there are things you should not miss. First of all you are in the homeland of the delicious “Iskender Kebap”, one of the best dishes of world – famous Turkish Cuisine. The candied chestnuts (Kestane Sekeri) are a specialty of desserts and have an unforgettable taste. The peaches of Bursa are unique. As for something to purchase; Bursa is a center of the silk trade (since first silk cocoons were brought here with the caravans of the Silk Road) and towel manufacturing. It is also the homeland of the very famous Turkish folklore figures, Karagöz and Hacivat shadow puppets.
Because of its being the first Ottoman capital, Bursa is very rich in religious monuments, mosques, and tombs (Turbe), baths. One of the places to be seen in Bursa is the Yesil Cami (Green Mosque), with its carved marble doorway which is one of the best in Anatolia. It is an elaborate and significant building in the new Turkish style. Just opposite, is the Yesil Türbe (Green Tomb), set in a green garden with an enchanting exterior decorated with turquoise tiles. Near the tomb, the Medrese complex (old theological school) now houses the Ethnographical Museum which certainly deserves visiting. The Yildirim Beyazit Mosque is important as it is the first one built in the new Ottoman style and is accompanied by the Emir Sultan Mosque which lies in a peaceful setting. The province is decorated with these monuments, each of which is a masterpiece. Here are the Ulu Cami (Grand Mosque) built in the Seljuk style, with impressive calligraphic wall decorations. The Orhan Gazi Mosque; the “Hisar”, an attractive part of the province; the Mausoleums of Osman, the founder of the Ottoman Empire, and his son Orhan Gazi are other important sites to visit. The Muradiye Complex has a delightful view with its mosque and tombs of important characters from the Ottoman era, and their tiles and charming decorations appeal to the sightseers. The Ottoman Museum offers a lively exhibit of the traditional life style of Ottomans.
Something you will enjoy in Bursa are the warm, mineral-rich springs; indeed most of the hotels in this province have thermal bath facilities. The Turkish baths (hamam) are great places which should be visited in Bursa. The Eski Kaplica (Old Spring) of Çekirge district is the oldest in the province. The Karamustafa Pasa Baths are famous, and boast the best hot, mineral waters.
As for souvenirs, you should visit the Covered Bazaar, “Bedesten”, or the Koza Han, an attractive Ottoman building with its architectural style and also a center of silk trade. It is certain that Bursa will take some of time for you to see and add some more delightful experiences to your memories.


Uludag is the largest and most celebrated winter-sports and skiing center in Turkey. It is 36 kilometers from Bursa and easily accessible by car or cable-car (Teleferik in Turkish). The area is also a national park and is worth a visit at any time of the year. The accommodation is high quality offering the opportunity to enjoy the mountain, with a variety of entertainment and sports activities. On the way up don’t miss the 600-year old plain tree.
Mudanya is a seaside resort town with fine fish restaurants and night-clubs, so you can have a pleasant vacation there. The old train station now serves as a charming hotel.
Zeytinbagi (Trilye) is a town of typical Turkish architecture and lay-out. There are sea bus and ferry connections with Istanbul.
Gemlik (27 km north), is another seaside resort with a wide, sandy beach. One of the best olive oils of Turkey comes from this town.
Iznik (Nicaea) lies 85 km northeast of Bursa, at the eastern tip of Lake Iznik. The town had a great importance for Christians because of the Ecumenic Councils, and witnessed many civilizations which have left their marks all over the land. This town is famous for its unique tiles and has been the center of tile production in the 16th century. Iznik tiles were the basic decorative element of Seljuk and Ottoman architecture. The turquoise-tiled Yesil Mosque and Nilüfer Hatun Imareti are among the Islamic works in the town

Boğa Burcunun Özellikleri Türkçe İngilizce

Boğa Burcunun Özellikleri İngilizce

April 20 – May 20
Boğa Burcunun Özellikleri İngilizce
General characteristics of Taurus
Taurus is the second sign of the zodiac. 
In ancient times the constellation had the same name, but the precession of the equinoxes has made the sign of Taurus occupied by the constellation of Aries. It is a fixed and feminine sign ruled by Venus and it belongs to the element of Earth. Its symbol is a bull grazing in a calm manner in a prairie field. Taurus contains two star clusters that are the most well know in the firmament: the Pleiades where we can point out Merope and the Hyades cluster, whose main star is γ Tauri.
The Taurus is often practical, determined and has a strong will. The Taurus is stable and conservative and will follow a trustworthy leader in a loyal manner. It is very common for them to have a brilliant mind with excessive creativity. They love peace and tranquility and they are very respectful of laws and rules. They respect the material values and avoid any debts. They also tend to have plenty of artistic talents.
In their place of employment Taurus are good workers and they do not stop until they reach their goals. They are creative and are entrepreneurs that can succeed in architecture, construction, administration, agriculture, medicine, commerce, even as musicians and artists.
In matters of love, Taurus possesses a protective nature that makes their partner feel secure and taken care.
They have an overwhelming sensuality but one that is practical, and in this sense they are very loyal and considerate partners. They are good parents and they do not demand too much from their partner or their children. They love themselves a lot and tend to be possessive but if their partner tries to make peace and be understanding, they put some effort to forget their annoyance.
Element: Earth
Ruling planet: Venus
Gemstones: Emerald, agate, coral and pink quartz
Colors: Light green, pink and turquoise
Most compatible signs: Virgo, Capricorn, Cancer and Pisces
Boğa Burcunun Özellikleri İngilizce

 20 Nisan – 20 Mayıs
 Boğa Burcunun Özellikleri İngilizce
 Boğa burcunun genel özellikleri
 Boğa, zodyakın ikinci işaretidir.
 Eski zamanlarda takımyıldızın adı aynıydı, ancak ekinoksların devinimi Boğa burcunu Koç takımyıldızı tarafından işgal etti.  Venüs tarafından yönetilen sabit ve dişil bir burçtur ve Dünya elementine aittir.  Sembolü, çayırda sakin bir şekilde otlayan bir boğadır.  Boğa, gök kubbede en iyi bilinen iki yıldız kümesi içerir: Merope'yi gösterebileceğimiz Ülker ve ana yıldızı γ Tauri olan Hyades kümesi.
 Boğa genellikle pratik, kararlı ve güçlü bir iradeye sahiptir.  Boğa istikrarlı ve tutucudur ve sadık bir şekilde güvenilir bir lideri takip edecektir.  Aşırı yaratıcılığa sahip parlak bir zihne sahip olmaları çok yaygındır.  Barışı ve sükuneti severler, kanun ve kurallara çok saygılıdırlar.  Maddi değerlere saygı gösterirler ve herhangi bir borçtan kaçınırlar.  Ayrıca birçok sanatsal yeteneğe sahip olma eğilimindedirler.
 Çalıştıkları yerde Boğalar iyi çalışanlardır ve hedeflerine ulaşana kadar durmazlar.  Yaratıcıdırlar ve mimarlıkta, inşaatta, yönetimde, tarımda, tıpta, ticarette, hatta müzisyen ve sanatçı olarak başarılı olabilecek girişimcilerdir.
 Aşk konularında Boğa, partnerini güvende ve bakımlı hissettiren koruyucu bir doğaya sahiptir.
 Ezici ama pratik bir şehvetleri var ve bu anlamda çok sadık ve düşünceli ortaklar.  Onlar iyi ebeveynlerdir ve eşlerinden veya çocuklarından çok fazla bir şey talep etmezler.  Kendilerini çok severler ve sahiplenici olmaya meyillidirler ama eğer partnerleri barışmaya ve anlayışlı olmaya çalışırsa, sıkıntılarını unutmak için biraz çaba harcarlar.
 Eleman: Dünya
 Yönetici gezegeni: Venüs
 Değerli Taşlar: Zümrüt, akik, mercan ve pembe kuvars
 Renkler: Açık yeşil, pembe ve turkuaz
 En uyumlu burçlar: Başak, Oğlak, Yengeç ve Balık


  IRMIZI BAŞLIKLI KIZ MASALI İNGİLİZCE ÖZETİ Kırmızı Başlıklı Kızın İngilizce Özeti The story is about a lovely sweet girl who is loved by o...