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Friday, September 30, 2016



    Sevi ŞiiriPoem of Love

    Ben senin en çok sesini sevdim
    Buğulu çoğu zaman, taze bir ekmek gibi
    Önce aşka çağıran, sonra dinlendiren
    Bana her zaman dost, her zaman sevgili

    Ben senin en çok ellerini sevdim
    Bir pınar serinliğinde, küçücük ve ak pak
    Nice güzellikler gördüm yeryüzünde
    En güzeli bir sabah ellerinle uyanmak

    Ben senin en çok gözlerini sevdim
    Kah çocukça mavi, kah inadına yeşil
    Aydınlıklar, esenlikler, mutluluklar
    Hiç biri gözlerin kadar anlamlı değil

    Ben senin en çok gülüşünü sevdim
    Sevindiren, içimde umut çiçekleri açtıran
    Unutturur bana birden acıları, güçlükleri
    Dünyam aydınlanır sen güldüğün zaman

    Ben senin en çok davranışlarını sevdim
    Güçsüze merhametini, zalime direnişini
    Haksızlıklar, zorbalıklar karsısında
    Vahşi ve mağrur bir dişi kaplan kesilişini

    Ben senin en çok sevgi dolu yüreğini sevdim
    Tüm çocuklara kanat geren anneliğini
    Nice sevgilerin bir pula satıldığı bir dünyada
    Sensin, her şeyin üstünde tutan sevgini

    Ben senin en çok bana yansımanı sevdim
    Bende yeniden var olmanı, benimle bütünleşmeni
    Mertliğini, yalansızlığını, dupduruluğunu sevdim
    Ben seni sevdim, ben seni sevdim, ben seni...

    What I loved most about you was your voice
    Fogged most of the time, like a fresh bread
    That calls to love first, then gives a rest
    A friend to me all the time, loved all the time

    What I loved most about you was your hands
    Cool as a spring water, small and white
    I saw many bautiful things on this world
    The best is to wake up one morning with your hands

    What I loved most about you was your eyes
    Sometimes a childish blue, sometimes contrarily green
    Brightness, health, happiness
    None of these is as meaningful as your eyes

    What I loved most about you was your smile
    Making me happy, growing flowers of hope inside me
    It eases all my pains, difficulties
    My world finds its meaning when you smile

    What I loved most about you was your behavior
    Your mercy for the weak, your resistance to unjust
    Your being a proud wild tigress
    Against injustice and despotism

    What I loved most about you was your heart full of love
    Your motherhood covering all the children
    In this world where loves are sold for one penny
    You are the one who holds love above everything

    What I loved most about you was your reflection on me
    Your existence in me, your being one with me
    I loved your your bravery, honesty, pureness
    I loved you, I loved you, I loved..



    Seni Düşünürüm...I Think of You...

    Seni düşünürüm
    anamın kokusu gelir burnuma
    dünya güzeli anamın.

    Binmişin atlıkarıncasına içimdeki bayramın
    fır dönersin eteklerinle saçların uçuşur
    bir yitirip bir bulurum al al olmuş yüzünü.

    Sebebi ne
    seni bir bıçak yarası gibi hatırlamamın
    sen böyle uzakken senin sesini duyup
    yerimden fırlamamın sebebi ne?

    Diz çöküp bakarım ellerine
    ellerine dokunmak isterim
    arkasındasın camın.
    Ben bir şaşkın seyircisiyim gülüm
    alacakaranlığımda oynadığım dramın.

    I think of you
    and I feel the scent of my mother
    my mother, the most beautiful of all.

    You are on the carousel of the festival inside me
    you hover around, your skirt and your hair flying
    Mere seconds between finding your beautiful face and losing it.

    What is the reason,
    why do I remember you like a wound on my heart
    what is the reason that I hear your voice when you are so far
    and I can't help getting up with excitement?

    I kneel down and look at your hands
    I want to touch your hands
    but I can't
    you are behind a glass.
    Sweetheart, I am a bewildered spectator of the drama
    that I am playing in my twilight.



    HoşçakalGood Bye

    siyah beyaz tuşlarında piyanomun
    seni çalıyorum şimdi
    çaldıkça çoğalıyorsun odada
    sen arttıkça ben kayboluyorum

    seni doğuruyorum geceye
    adını koyuyorum aya bakarak
    her şey sen oluyor her yer sen
    ben ölüyorum

    sesini duyuyorum rüyalarımda
    gözlerimi kamaştırıyor ışığın
    rüzgar sen gibi dokunuyor bana
    ben doğuyorum

    duymak istediklerimi söylemiyorsun hiç
    dokunmuyorsun bana
    sen gibi bir şimşek çakıyor
    tam kalbime düşüyor yıldırımı
    ben gidiyorum

    in the black and white keys of my piano
    I am playing you now
    you multiply in the room as I play
    I get lost as you increase

    I give birth to you into the night
    I give you your name looking at the moon
    everything becomes you, everywhere you
    I die

    I hear your voice in my dreams
    your light dazzles my eyes
    the wind touches me like you
    I am born

    you don't tell me what I want to hear
    you don't touch me
    a lightning like you flashes
    the thunderbolt falls right onto my heart
    I go

    Yüzüklerin Efendisi İngilizce Film Özeti


    İngilizce film özeti Yüzüklerin Efendisi

    Lord Of The Rings
    Length: 787 words (2.2 double-spaced pages)
    In The Hobbit the danger and the excitement reach a peak
    when the forces of good seem about to be overcome by the
    forces of evil. In The Lord of the Rings, Tolkien builds to
    two simultaneous peaks. One occurs at the point when
    Sauron’s forces sweep down on the small army led by
    Aragorn at the gates of Mordor. The other occurs inside
    Mordor, as Frodo struggles with Gollum on the edge of the
    Crack of Doom, where the Ring is to be destroyed. Both
    the war and the quest reach their resolution in the same
    instant, when the Ring is destroyed and with it, Sauron’s
    The fourth and final part of each story serves to wind things
    down. The hero returns home, looking forward to comfort.
    He finds instead that his home is threatened. But he has
    grown through his experiences and is able to regain what is
    his. Of course, there are many important differences between
    the two works. The Hobbit follows the story through
    Bilbo’s eyes and tells of events in a chronological sequence.
    In other words, you hear about things as they happen, rather
    than jumping ahead to future events, or flashing back to
    something that happened in the past. When Tolkien departs
    from this chronological sequence in The Hobbit, he
    carefully guides you through the jump in time: “Now if you
    wish, like the dwarves, to hear news of Smaug, you must
    go back again to the evening when he smashed the door
    and flew off in a rage, two days before.”
    The story line of The Lord of the Rings, on the other hand,
    is much more complicated. The Lord of the Rings is a
    trilogy, consisting of three volumes (Parts One to Three)
    divided into six sections (Books I through VI). The novel
    jumps back and forth in time, following the stories of
    several characters. The various story lines finally converge
    near the end when all the characters are reunited as Aragorn
    is crowned king of Gondor. Tolkien uses these shifts in
    viewpoint to good effect, often ending his scenes as cliff-
    hangers, slowly building the tension to its climax. But
    trying to follow the different story lines as he jumps back
    and forth from one to the other can be very difficult.
    Tolkien doesn’t guide you through them as he did in The
    Hobbit. But he does give clues to help you put the pieces in
    order. For example, when Tolkien returns to Sam and
    Frodo in Book VI, he shows you that he’s jumping back in
    time by telling you what Merry, Pippin, and Aragorn are
    doing at the same moment.
    Many people have commented that The Hobbit is like a
    simple fairy tale, whereas The Lord of the Rings is more
    like a great epic poem of the past, such as The Odyssey of
    Homer or Beowulf, the famous Old English tale of
    heroism. Like both fairy tales and epics, Tolkien’s books
    are stories of heroism in an imaginary world filled with
    fantastic people and creatures. But The Hobbit, like many
    fairy tales, is first and foremost the story of an individual’s
    growth into maturity. It has a fairy-tale ending, with Bilbo
    smoking happily on his pipe many years later, rich from his
    adventures and satisfied with his life. An epic, on the other
    hand, tries to relate the hero’s story to a long history and is
    more concerned with questions of moral choices and the
    fate of all men, than with its individual hero. In fact, many
    epics, such as Beowulf, end with the death of their heroes.
    The Lord of the Rings shares these characteristics of epics.
    Unlike Bilbo, Frodo doesn’t live happily ever after. He’s
    been wounded physically and also psychically by the loss
    of the Ring. His passage to the Blessed Realm at the end of
    the book may be interpreted as a symbolic death.
    Part of Tolkien’s genius lies in the way he combined the
    forms of fairy tale and epic. The heroes of most epics are
    larger than life, possessing great strength and ability, like
    the superheroes of comic books. But people nowadays find
    it hard to identify with such impossible heroes. Frodo, an
    ordinary person who has been thrust into a situation beyond
    his abilities, is a more suitable hero for a modern audience.
    Aragorn, on the other hand



    Sevdaya Mı Tutuldum?Did I Fall in Love?

    Benim de mi düşüncelerim olacaktı,
    Ben de mi böyle uykusuz kalacaktım,
    Sessiz sedasız mı olacaktım böyle?
    Çok sevdiğim salatayı bile
    Aramaz mı olacaktım?
    Ben böyle mi olacaktım?

    I didn't believe I would have thoughts like this,
    I would be sleepless at nights,
    I would be so silent.
    I didn't believe I would not care
    Even about the salad that I like so much.
    How can I be like this?


      IRMIZI BAŞLIKLI KIZ MASALI İNGİLİZCE ÖZETİ Kırmızı Başlıklı Kızın İngilizce Özeti The story is about a lovely sweet girl who is loved by o...